Walk by faith and other routes by Mimou
About Me
12 December 2007
Let Your Light Shine
I thought this was a good song for this time of year, especially for those in Finland. :) (Sorry it's in Finnish..but enjoy..here's a chance for a cultural experience! :))
Actually, the title of this post as well as that of the song, is something I've been contemplating on the last wee while, ever since I saw Stardust (:))...When the light shines in the darkness...All darkness has to flee as the light lits up the room. There was a scene like that at the end of that film that made me think of Jesus, His Light, and the glory of God. I came across this passage (Luke 1:78-79) last week that I thought it goes well with my topic here. Check it out...
God can light even our darkest rooms, to bring hope and new life, where we thought no new life could be. There is always a way out, there is always new things, there is always Hope.
PS Congratulations P&M for a wee baby girl!!!
Actually, the title of this post as well as that of the song, is something I've been contemplating on the last wee while, ever since I saw Stardust (:))...When the light shines in the darkness...All darkness has to flee as the light lits up the room. There was a scene like that at the end of that film that made me think of Jesus, His Light, and the glory of God. I came across this passage (Luke 1:78-79) last week that I thought it goes well with my topic here. Check it out...
God can light even our darkest rooms, to bring hope and new life, where we thought no new life could be. There is always a way out, there is always new things, there is always Hope.
PS Congratulations P&M for a wee baby girl!!!
04 November 2007
29 October 2007
Songs in my heart just now
Wanna pay a visit to these guys at St albans sometime!
Try the song "Beautiful"..love it.
21 October 2007

By Nakedpastor David Hayward's words:
"This is how I see community. We get together and be what we already are without trying or pretending or even planning."
"This is how I see community. We get together and be what we already are without trying or pretending or even planning."
*In the photo Johanna, Minna & me, September 07
17 October 2007
On sailing in Unknown Waters

"Yes, it's time to get uncomfortable and charter those unknownwaters! You might not know exactly where you're going, but head out with God anyway. You are going to get there" -Todd Bentley
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
Hebrews 11:8
Isn't that a great passage! Life's full of unknown waters =) "He didn't know where he was going" How about trust that, eh!! So far what I've seen in life it's definitely so that God takes me one step at a time. I might have a hunch of the whole picture, but I'm sure by the end of the day, ie. at the end of my life, there might be much much so much more there and so many more twists than I ever thought of. And you know how you have that feeling "oh I should really do that thing, take that job, go down that route.." And after doing that you actually realise later on that wow, never thought all that would come to my life and come it did. Sometimes we only have a hunch to go by. But I've noticed as I keep on walking, keep on making choices, more and more details come up on the map. It's something I can trust. I don't have to know it all, or have the whole picture - all I have is the day I live in. One step at a time. And we'll get there.
16 October 2007
Whaaaaaat..Why am I not in Stockholm???

Hej Alla Medlemmar,
Hösten har anlänt och vintern är runt hörnet därmed vill vi belöna våra trogna kunder med 500kr i presentkort på alla Jackor & Kappor i butiken Reiss, Norrmalmstorg.
Detta email gäller som ditt pressentkort och är giltigt fram till den 1st November 2007
Med Varma Hälsningar,
Reiss - Stockholm
Hösten har anlänt och vintern är runt hörnet därmed vill vi belöna våra trogna kunder med 500kr i presentkort på alla Jackor & Kappor i butiken Reiss, Norrmalmstorg.
Detta email gäller som ditt pressentkort och är giltigt fram till den 1st November 2007
Med Varma Hälsningar,
Reiss - Stockholm
Received this email today, now correct me if I'm wrong but does it REALLY say you get 500Kronors discount on jackets and coats in Reiss?!?!?!? Hmm, must dash to see how much were those Ryanair flights to Sweden from Scotland..
Though, must admit, even with a 500kronor discount (equivalent of roughly £36) the coat above, which is £195 originally priced, might still not really be up my alley... :-) But ohh, isn't it nicE.
25 September 2007
Hello from Scotland
Just a wee hello to everyone! All is well here, got here yesterday, had my first class already today, heh =) Everything seems and feels so familiar! I guess that's what three yrs living in a place does to ya. Even the same secretaries and lecturers :) Anyways, it's really bed time for me already here, but do have lots of stories already to tell..We'll see if I get there. But consider yourselves greeted! :D
It feels really good to be back. Great really! (Miss you all though!)
It feels really good to be back. Great really! (Miss you all though!)
15 September 2007
I don't wanna wait forever
Gary Valenciano: Wait Forever
I like this song and video. It is resonating a lot within me.
But I'd gladly take this ride
As long as you are there on the other side
I love you so, I love you
As long as you are there on the other side
I love you so, I love you
27 August 2007
God is making a beautiful thing
..in the midst of all the pain. I know.
I just got home late last night, been with my brother's wife and my nieces. I love my nieces! Last night I was like, whaat? What shall I do now? You know, when you've spent all of last some days, intensively, with two wee ones, they've become ever more dear to you (And I spent now more time with them than ever before) - it's like, hey what now?!? Now I understand the parents who spend a lot of time with their kids, and then when they are not there for a moment you don't know what to do with yourself! (Even if you have missed spending some own time!) I just love these girls ever more dearly after our time spent together. I love them.
We went to this church yesterday, it's a church where my brother &his wife were wed. There was an intercession for the family, My brother's mum (who is not my mum) had asked for it. so we were all there.. Anyway, when we got back, Jessica's friends from the neighbour's was on the yard, and first thing whenJessica got out of the car she said to her friend "Guess where we were! we went to the church to pray for Daddy!", then came another girl out and again the first thing she said was "Guess where we were! We went to the church to pray for Daddy!". And then came a third girl outside, and again she said the same thing "Guess where we were! We went to the church to pray for Daddy!" :-)
It was a new thing for her, and she spread the news.
I myself had, and have had, a huge need to to tell everyone. It is such a shocking thing I guess. Don't quite realise the fullness or the reality of it all. What, M., you are not coming back? You are not just on some work trip? That's what we all feel. Will take some time. But the kids make us to go on as well - you have to. But we are sad...
I just got home late last night, been with my brother's wife and my nieces. I love my nieces! Last night I was like, whaat? What shall I do now? You know, when you've spent all of last some days, intensively, with two wee ones, they've become ever more dear to you (And I spent now more time with them than ever before) - it's like, hey what now?!? Now I understand the parents who spend a lot of time with their kids, and then when they are not there for a moment you don't know what to do with yourself! (Even if you have missed spending some own time!) I just love these girls ever more dearly after our time spent together. I love them.
We went to this church yesterday, it's a church where my brother &his wife were wed. There was an intercession for the family, My brother's mum (who is not my mum) had asked for it. so we were all there.. Anyway, when we got back, Jessica's friends from the neighbour's was on the yard, and first thing whenJessica got out of the car she said to her friend "Guess where we were! we went to the church to pray for Daddy!", then came another girl out and again the first thing she said was "Guess where we were! We went to the church to pray for Daddy!". And then came a third girl outside, and again she said the same thing "Guess where we were! We went to the church to pray for Daddy!" :-)
It was a new thing for her, and she spread the news.
I myself had, and have had, a huge need to to tell everyone. It is such a shocking thing I guess. Don't quite realise the fullness or the reality of it all. What, M., you are not coming back? You are not just on some work trip? That's what we all feel. Will take some time. But the kids make us to go on as well - you have to. But we are sad...
20 August 2007
Sad news
My brother died yesterday. He was only 39. I have let most of my friends know by now, but I wanted to tell about it in here too. He was on his way to pick up his daughters from grandparents yesterday afternoon on a motorcycle, and his wife was following 5 minutes after him with the car. This is our loved one. Besides his mum, dad, my older sister and me, there is especially his wife Kirsi and my two nieces Jessica, 6 and Erika, 1 left grieving. Please remember especially them in your prayers. Thanks for your prayers. God is with us, even in this difficult time, I know. We are loved by Him. But we miss you Mika. I miss you.
But as Jessica said yesterday, daddy will always live in her heart.
12 August 2007
09 August 2007
Fran Perea, Mi Corazon
I don't understand much of the lyrics :-) I did actually find this lyrics translator, but every few words were still in Spanish! Mi Corazon= my heart I believe. I like Fran Perea's stuff, one of my new finds.
27 July 2007
The One I have my faith in
*The Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster*
I am reading at the moment "Power from on High" by Charles G.Finney (Voima Korkeudesta suomeksi, Kiitos Lahden Kristillinen kirjakauppa! :) ) . Tough dude, tough speak! =) I think this video suits the book, bcos the book talks a lot about waiting upon the Lord, waiting upon God to mission us. ( By this I mean not just the calling, but also sending. Authorisation.) That we wouldn't go out in our own power. Like Jesus did give the commandment in Matthew 28, but He also told them to WAIT in Jerusalem, until He gives them the POWER to go out (Luke 24:49). Which they did, and you can read what was the outcome of their waiting in Acts 2. (Finney also points out, that they weren't just waiting with thumbs crossed - well "crossed" they probably were, as in PRAYER. They were keeping in touch with Him, talking to Him. Waiting expectantly, as in waiting to receive something. For He promised. And He was Jesus, who they knew wouldn't just give out false promises!! The promise is for us today too..How would we be any different from the Disciples. We need His Power, His clothing for us. It is crucial that we let Him dress us before we head to any battles! It might involve some dying to self, as sometimes it might not feel so nice, to have to wait, but if you were in the army you wouldn't go into the battle insufficiently armed, without the "armour" so to speak..)
In John 15:5 Jesus says "You can do nothing without me". One of the most profound truths that I learned three years ago when I took a course that Marlene Howard lead for us, was that "What God calls me to, He will equip me to do". Often we can find ourselves doing things in our own might. Which will not take us very far.. It's so important to learn to lean on Him and be dependant on Him. Sometimes it involves waiting. Waiting to receive that strenght, that healing, that peace..Whatever it is one needs. It's important to know the difference of times - to know when it is a time to stay and a time to leave.
Even if it's slightly wistful to be writing this to you from partly candlelight room in the middle of packing all my things into pink-lidded (is that a word?) boxes (and now, TODAY they had the blue-lid boxes on sale!!! The ones I was wanting in the first place.. Well, maybe I'm more co(o)lourful than that..Hehe..For some reason my life has been filled with bright pink the last few weeks!! Anyways, who cares with the blue, I already bought all the boxes..Maybe I'll try get a pic for all yours to see.. =) They're actually rather fun, these ones with pink lids, they're see-through otherwise.)
...I will miss this, but I also know that the time is up now. Up for new adventures in life! Some things have to go, before new ones can come in..
PS. About the video, I don't think anyone is daft to have to have the texts in it, but I just prefer the Lincoln Brewster version of the song to the Chris Tomlin one! I like the Finnish translation a lot too..
"Uusi voima nousee kun mä odotan
Kun mä Herraa odotan
Herraa odotan"
Kun mä Herraa odotan
Herraa odotan"
That is for sure. We can trust that He'll be here for us.
18 July 2007
Some U2
I have lots of other stuff to post as well, but I just wanted quickly to put this in, been meaning to for awhile. Minna and her mum are stopping by for a cuppa, so must dash. But Enjoy: U2 & Stuck in a moment
16 July 2007
Post Birthday Thoughts
"He won't let you go" by The Kry
There's an image in this video with Jesus arms open, which is very similar to the altar painting in the church of my home town of 20 yrs and where I was born, Orimattila (Beautiful church, isn't it!)
Was my birthday yesterday! Oh boy, I'm 27! =) It feels old! Haha! I know anyone older than me is now looking back at me with a sweet smile on their face.."Ahh there will come a day when she thinks 27 is YOUNG!" :) Anyways, I probably never before thought past this amount of yrs, of what life might be like. When you're 20,21 you concentrate on the next few yrs. for me, after that, life has just kind of "happened". I have certainly done some of the things I imagined to do and wanted to do, then again some things haven't yet come to pass that I thought. But in general, it's not so different after all. (Maybe it's just me.) I'm still me. Though a more mature me. Especially in the last year, I feel like I've matured a lot. I've been describing my life lately to people as in that I feel like I am in an oven =) Uunissa ollaan siis, kypsymässä. But yea of course I have also changed, maybe you just don't realise or see it yourself so much..Or you see it later on.
But years just seem to go by really quick.. 40 is only 13 years away??? That soon! :D
PS. Sorry for the links missing, I was trying out different templates and they disappeared and just haven't gotten round to putting them back in yet.
There's an image in this video with Jesus arms open, which is very similar to the altar painting in the church of my home town of 20 yrs and where I was born, Orimattila (Beautiful church, isn't it!)
Was my birthday yesterday! Oh boy, I'm 27! =) It feels old! Haha! I know anyone older than me is now looking back at me with a sweet smile on their face.."Ahh there will come a day when she thinks 27 is YOUNG!" :) Anyways, I probably never before thought past this amount of yrs, of what life might be like. When you're 20,21 you concentrate on the next few yrs. for me, after that, life has just kind of "happened". I have certainly done some of the things I imagined to do and wanted to do, then again some things haven't yet come to pass that I thought. But in general, it's not so different after all. (Maybe it's just me.) I'm still me. Though a more mature me. Especially in the last year, I feel like I've matured a lot. I've been describing my life lately to people as in that I feel like I am in an oven =) Uunissa ollaan siis, kypsymässä. But yea of course I have also changed, maybe you just don't realise or see it yourself so much..Or you see it later on.
But years just seem to go by really quick.. 40 is only 13 years away??? That soon! :D
PS. Sorry for the links missing, I was trying out different templates and they disappeared and just haven't gotten round to putting them back in yet.
08 July 2007
Sunday song # 2643
My song of the day: Jon McLaughlin/Industry
Found this live performace by him on this same song -check it out, he's an amazing pianist! Pretty awesome. Found Jon McL's music sometime last year.
I think this song beautifully describes the feeling one has before stepping into something new, whatever "debut" one has in life, fear can creep in - what if nothing comes out of it? What if I make fool of myself? Dare I walk into this new thing? But then -
Found this live performace by him on this same song -check it out, he's an amazing pianist! Pretty awesome. Found Jon McL's music sometime last year.
I think this song beautifully describes the feeling one has before stepping into something new, whatever "debut" one has in life, fear can creep in - what if nothing comes out of it? What if I make fool of myself? Dare I walk into this new thing? But then -
"If I don't keep going it'll just go to show
That I’ve been beat by an industry I’ve never seen"
Was also reading Paul's letter to Galatians today, I might post and share on that later.
So - there's no harm trying! See what comes out of it. At least you tried! And it might turn out much better than you ever thought.. And I like how he is simply saying in the song,
Well ,this wasn't any huge analysis on the song, just some thoughts..and of course we all take out different things from songs =) But there's some 2 pennies worth from me. (Literally two :))
"This is me"
This is me!
This is me!
Well ,this wasn't any huge analysis on the song, just some thoughts..and of course we all take out different things from songs =) But there's some 2 pennies worth from me. (Literally two :))
07 July 2007
Carry the Light
This takes me right back to King's Kids times. (And automatically makes me think of Saija! :)) Those were special times. Loved it. Had to post! So here's another one down the memory lane.. :) Väkevä biisi edelleen sanoisin suomeksi. Pidän kyllä sanoista..ja koko biisistä. And maybe it's also quite an apt post for 07-07-07 with what's happening in Nashville today..Carry the Light by various christian artists (I don't recognise most of them!) from 1987:
PS. Also is Live Earth rocking today..
PS. Also is Live Earth rocking today..
05 July 2007
Something totally random
Beginning of July at our household:
No.of bags with paper trash thrown out after starting to do the big clear out/inventory of my stuff: 4 or 5 so far (there's bound to be more)
No. of bags with clothes in them that are going to be thrown out (well recycled obviously but thrown out of my ownership): 2 (so far)
(I am being pretty generous with that -I decided it's time to get away with all clothes that I don't use anymore! I think I was pretty successful but then I still had to keep a few items..There might be a round two with this clothes business, a few with a sentimental value I gotta keep though!)
No of times I've been to my mum's to wash laundry since the house washing machine is broken: 5,6,7? at least..
No. of times Leena (flatmate) has been to Helsinki to view apartments: 3-5 (Not sure about the exact no.)
No. of hen nights I've been to: 1
No. of weddings I've been invited to this summer: 2
No. of couples that getting married in Holland without many knowing beforehand: 1
No. of bees found in my bedroom and hallway if/when the window or balcony door left open: gazillion
No. of bees captured with a state-of-the-art method (glass and thin newspaper) and then set free from the balcony - a run inside, all windows and doors firmly shut afterwards (but usually only for a little bit - need air here!): gazillion (Well, ok, right answer is four - some of the gazillion bees flew out themselves after much wishing and praying by me)
Obviously very valuable information for your knowledge! =)
This post was inspired by Reija. (and her bee story)
01 July 2007
Seasons of Love from RENT
Here's a song from the Musical RENT, I've actually never seen it (the movie or the Broadway musical) but I've known of it. (Actually RENT reminds me of a certain flight back in 1999 from the States to Reykjavik in Iceland..hmm hehe..think it was the first time I heard of it ;) ) But yes I came across this song earlier this week. Just felt like another perfect Sunday song! So here's RENT with "Seasons of Love" (Had not heard it before)
Found another slightly longer version with the Youth from Etobicoke School for the Arts in Toronto, Canada. Here's their performance from August 2006 at an International AIDS Vigil in Toronto. Enjoy - Some talented youth there! (Btw, nice name of a place, Etobicoke, I think)
P.S. Happy Birthday to Ivonne!!
P.P.S Mark your books, mine is in exactly two weeks!!!
Found another slightly longer version with the Youth from Etobicoke School for the Arts in Toronto, Canada. Here's their performance from August 2006 at an International AIDS Vigil in Toronto. Enjoy - Some talented youth there! (Btw, nice name of a place, Etobicoke, I think)
P.S. Happy Birthday to Ivonne!!
P.P.S Mark your books, mine is in exactly two weeks!!!
23 June 2007
I've done this!
(to the exact same music even!) Irish Dance Practice, Jean Butler teaching (not Jean Butler teaching me though)
...and it is MUCH harder than it looks there!!!
PS. In case you are in Lahti area or elsewhere southern Finland, check out this! Iiris, Finnish Irish Dance COmpany is recruiting new dancers. ( I was part of Ur Na hIiris last year) Go for it, it's great fun.
...and it is MUCH harder than it looks there!!!
PS. In case you are in Lahti area or elsewhere southern Finland, check out this! Iiris, Finnish Irish Dance COmpany is recruiting new dancers. ( I was part of Ur Na hIiris last year) Go for it, it's great fun.
Best of Riverdance
This is my absolute favourite piece in Riverdance. It's really majestic when you see it live! I don't heart Michael Flatley much, but I found this video in youtube to catch more the spirit of the piece (there's another one with the "Thunderstorm" titled with "live in Geneva" ..but maybe it's kind of more produced, and this more authentic why I heart this one more..at least on video it seems to me. Ok, well, maybe I'll post a link to that one too, so here - which one do you like more? Though in this piece it is nice the story in the beginning, must say!
"We will not go down, we will not be beaten down like grain"
I like the boldness. =)
04 June 2007
Glad someone's speaking out
Bono at a Prayer Breakfast
In case you want to listen to the whole speech, here's a link to that. It's 20 mins & really good, do listen. Something that is extremely close to my heart, this is.
30 May 2007
The Reason I Live
I shouldn't be blogging! But this started playing in my head tonight, just had to publish! :-) Not the best of versions, but only one I could find..But yes it's true, this song ,in my life. Found a nice girl band version out there on youtube as well, but you can't hear the song in it so well/not very much action in the video..But I think I like the way the girls are singing it, this song is good for a female voice like theirs. I could hear Sade ( Umm, Sarianna my friend that is! Sade is what we call her..) singing this!! Her voice is a bit like the girl just there, well, in youtube somewhere as said..Haha. But yes, here is: Planetshakers with The Reason I live.
PS- Sade girl, miss ya, it's been waaayyyyyyyyy too long!! Good luck with studying at mo&hope to see you soon!! Can't wait to hear all the latest, share, pray, be, hang! Love, me x
PS- Sade girl, miss ya, it's been waaayyyyyyyyy too long!! Good luck with studying at mo&hope to see you soon!! Can't wait to hear all the latest, share, pray, be, hang! Love, me x
28 May 2007
Free to fly
I'm seeing Laura soon for a wee photo shoot (I hope they come out good, I'm not a pro in any sense at all! But just must get some shots to accompany an article..Should've asked Doro to take them, now she is really a good photographer with an artistic eye! Artist as she is..
Anyways, my little sis has her rippijuhlat in a few weeks time, and I tought I'd like to sing a song/couple of songs to her. I was thinking which ones to do and making a list.. "Olet Vapaa" (transl. "You are free") is one that I like! And it started playing in my head.
Anyways, my little sis has her rippijuhlat in a few weeks time, and I tought I'd like to sing a song/couple of songs to her. I was thinking which ones to do and making a list.. "Olet Vapaa" (transl. "You are free") is one that I like! And it started playing in my head.
"Niinkuin linnunpoika joka kurkkii pesästään,
meitäkin nyt tuuli kutsuu lentämään.
Siivet saimme Jumalalta, siivet sydämeen.
Lentää saimme valoon, lentää vapauteen.
Irti päästä,olet vapaa lähtemään.
Anna suuren tuulen puhaltaa!
Irti päästä, olet vapaa elämään,
vapaa palvelemaan Jumalaa."
25 May 2007
No Stress :-)
Here's something for your friday..
Greetings from Finland =)
(Oh the joys of mobile phones these days! Minna made this, we took the pics at easter time.)
Greetings from Finland =)
(Oh the joys of mobile phones these days! Minna made this, we took the pics at easter time.)
20 May 2007
Hehe, my friend Minnapinna sent me this video. I'd like to learn Spanish! I simply looooooooooooove languages, and learning new ones! In order to keep up with French (oh, I remember sooooooo little.) and Swedish, I think I should move to both countries for a wee period of time. Spain, why not too? Portuguese is a nice language as well. (My knowledge of portuguese is simply through the music of Marisa Monte) I like the story of Robin Hood, and I'd like to visit Sherwood woods! Did you know there is a band called Sherwood? Anyways, I once wrote on in an English essay back in Upper Secondary that "You are never too old to learn something new" Life shall never get boring as long as there's a new language I can dig into! Watashi-wa Mimosa!
PS Have no clue why it is not letting comments on this post...not intended :)
19 May 2007
Happier Days

Today I am feeling like these two videos. :) It's beautiful and sunny over here..Today was also the first day that a jacket of any form (even the lightest ones) was definitely too much! Summer is just around the corner! It looks so beautiful here, so green.
As I was walking into town to get a wee present for my little sis, I thought about how green and lively and amazing everything looks. How the nature has changed and really bloomed and blossomed within the last week or so. And I was thinking how in life in general, sometimes there are tough patches, those times like the first of spring when the snow melts and everything looks rather brown and grey and no green and new life in sight yet. There is a period of time that it doesn't look so pretty, when it takes a wee while for the new life, for the green and the lively and the glorius to grow. But we can be sure that new life will always bound, every year it happens in spring.
It looks gorgeous here! :) Must try get some pics..the birch trees are beautiful! (And green.)
PS Check out Yvonne's blog!
18 May 2007
Barlowgirl got it!
And though I cannot see You
And I can't explain why
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life
We cannot separate
You're part of me
And though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
And I can't explain why
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life
We cannot separate
You're part of me
And though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
15 May 2007
To Blog or Not to Blog...
..in Finnish? I am not sure! Help - where's the blogger's help line?! What to do when you have two mother tongues?! (English pretty much is that to me though not officially..but "off the record" kind of :)) I've been feeling like writing sometimes in Finnish too. Is it too mixed if I write every now and then in Finnish as well? Keeping two blogs seems quite a lot..Hmm, I don't know. I am not quite sure. When I first started blogging, I definitely wanted to write in English, and keep up my language skills since living in Finland again. (Those that don't know - I lived in the UK 2000-2003). English was my natural language of expression, and I also wanted to keep in touch with "the outer world" so to speak :) But I guess to be honest, I've been feeling lately like I actually want to be part of the Finnish community as well..Very few of my real life friends actually blog. I've been "on the move" quite a lot the last few months..And in some ways, I guess I'd like to be more in touch with Finnish peeps too. Language can be a barrier. Hmm. Houston, we've got a problem!!!
Que faire?
Voting is on - NOW! Hehe :-) No really, let me know whaddaya think ;)
13 May 2007
It is finished!

Anyway, it's funny how God leads and guides us. I happened to be in Helsinki b'cos of work from Wednesday to Friday. At one point I ended up sitting on the same train as Karen Fricker. She is a Research Fellow at the Institute for International Integration Studies (IIS) at the University of Dublin in Ireland. Her research is on "Eurovision and Belonging". This so something that interests me! (The belonging theme, not Eurovision so much I mean :)) Here's an article in Hufvudstadsbladet, HBL, (the Swedish-speaking main paper in Finland) on Karen Fricker&her colleagues. They took part in a seminar at the University of Helsinki, the topic being "Queer Eurovison". Tässä samasta suomeksi.
I also watched a documentary on Eurovision this week. In it someone said "Finns take every competition seriously, even if it's bootthrowing. ("Suomalaiset lähtee joka kisaan tosissaan, vaikka olisi kyseessä saappaanheitto".) It's true, hehe =)
It was nice to be in Helsinki and taste a bit of it all, and must say it was a great feel there! It was nice to see the city very lively (not that it isn't that normally) - so much happening. The city did a great job hosting. You can check here of the few things that one was able to see/do! It was nice to be able to have a wee taste of it all. I ended up going to an amazing free gig on wednesday evening, kind of a rock/jazz feel, Karoliina Kallio with a band, the amazingly talented Osmo Ikonen in keyboards. The band was amazing!! They were hugely talented and Karoliina also has an amazing voice. They are all true talents! So I enjoyed enormously. Really really enjoyed the music. And especially the last song they played, "Living on a prayer" by Bon Jovi, the lyrics are pretty good, don't cha think?
" Ooh, we're half way there
Ooh Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer
We've got to hold on to what we've got
'We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got"
Ooh Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer
We've got to hold on to what we've got
'We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got"
I had a great time! God is Good. I stayed with my friend S.& the wee bundle..He is crying a bit at night b'cos of sore tummy, please remember them in your prayers for peaceful night times. Saw Tixu on thursday, now that was a great time too!
But yeah, to go back to that gig, I was definitely inspired. I feel like it would be nice to do some music with some really talented people. It would be cool. Yep. I miss my Glasgow Gospel Choir singing days..Oh but that was ages ago! It's been ..ohh no, four (=?) years!?! Where does the time go?!? I'm glad we've got forever..I'd run out of time otherwise. =)
But yeah, to go back to that gig, I was definitely inspired. I feel like it would be nice to do some music with some really talented people. It would be cool. Yep. I miss my Glasgow Gospel Choir singing days..Oh but that was ages ago! It's been ..ohh no, four (=?) years!?! Where does the time go?!? I'm glad we've got forever..I'd run out of time otherwise. =)
07 May 2007
Fame Academy
Hee...down the memory lane! I'll write more about this later. This song was playing in my head all fo last week and I went for a search in youtube, and find I did! Woohoo. You can pretty much find ANYTHING in there. But yes more later, I gotta sleep now.. :)
04 May 2007
Letter from the Church in Smyrna
(See the link in my former post) This video seemed like the only right way to respond. From me anyway. That letter really touched me. My heart actually sunk. (if you can say that in English) It felt really close. Not like somewhere far away. If you haven't yet read it, do. Here is the original website. (the letter can be found in there too)
03 May 2007
What if we prayed..
Love this song! It was playing in my head today.
..and then I read about the killings of Christians in Turkey. Here is a link to the letter
"A letter to the Global Church from The Protestant Church of Smyrna"
..and then I read about the killings of Christians in Turkey. Here is a link to the letter
"A letter to the Global Church from The Protestant Church of Smyrna"
01 May 2007
A new baby in the world!
My friend S. gave birth to a beautiful baby boy today, he was born 1.5.2007 at 15.07! Look at that date and time!! His birth time has the date written on it - 1.5.07 !! (that's how we write dates in Finnish). Woohoo!! Also, not the least of things at all.. 15.07 happens to be yours truly's birthday!! (July 15th that is) I thought that was amazing clockwork. Wow God!
Hopefully some pictures will soon follow..I am hoping to see them in the next few days - unfortunately S&B are in a hospital 2,5 hours away from me. Though they are staying in a lovely cosy hospital in a seaside town. Nice.
Hopefully some pictures will soon follow..I am hoping to see them in the next few days - unfortunately S&B are in a hospital 2,5 hours away from me. Though they are staying in a lovely cosy hospital in a seaside town. Nice.
30 April 2007
I am on facebook! I am only two days old in there, so am pretty green when it comes to it, but it seems like a good/easy/nice way of keeping in touch with people..So I recommend. Do join if you haven't yet.
Mark 10:27 is one of my favourite Bible passages. I found this version of it on the Message pretty illustrative and good
Mark 10:27 is one of my favourite Bible passages. I found this version of it on the Message pretty illustrative and good
" Jesus was blunt:
"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it."
I like that. =)
"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it."
I like that. =)
23 April 2007
22 April 2007
Called to Stand
with arms high and heart abandoned
in Awe
of the One Who gave it all"
of the One Who gave it all"
I like this song, Stand, and this version of it by Michael W Smith (originally by Hillsong United). I would've embedded the video here but youtube didn't allow me. Anyways, a bit of the song on that link as it was best I could get! Also you can listen to all the songs on his latest cd here.
Called to stand..
...for what you believe in..
What do you believe in?
15 April 2007
Following Jesus
Ainoa pelastaja, syntisen ainoa turva,
luoksesi jokainen tulla saa
Ainoa parantaja, haavasi meidät puhdistaa,
taakkani luovuttaa sulle saan
Sä olet mulle enemmän kuin mikään muu,
sä olet suurempi kuin taivaan avaruus
Palvon ja ylistän nimeäsi,
käteni nostan nyt sun puoleesi
katson sun kirkkauttasi, Herrani,
enkä muuta voi kuin kaiken luovuttaa
Ainoa vapahtaja, syntini ristinpuulla
sovitit, vapauden meille toit
Ainoa kuningas, ainoa jolla on valta,
edessäs jokainen polvistuu
Song "Ainoa" by Petrus Ahonen. You can hear it here
Sä olet mulle enemmän kuin mikään muu,
sä olet suurempi kuin taivaan avaruus
luoksesi jokainen tulla saa
Ainoa parantaja, haavasi meidät puhdistaa,
taakkani luovuttaa sulle saan
Sä olet mulle enemmän kuin mikään muu,
sä olet suurempi kuin taivaan avaruus
Palvon ja ylistän nimeäsi,
käteni nostan nyt sun puoleesi
katson sun kirkkauttasi, Herrani,
enkä muuta voi kuin kaiken luovuttaa
Ainoa vapahtaja, syntini ristinpuulla
sovitit, vapauden meille toit
Ainoa kuningas, ainoa jolla on valta,
edessäs jokainen polvistuu
Song "Ainoa" by Petrus Ahonen. You can hear it here
Sä olet mulle enemmän kuin mikään muu,
sä olet suurempi kuin taivaan avaruus
08 April 2007
03 April 2007

One of our rooms dedicated for prayer (yes, we created two spaces!!) in HM07

Doesn't that just invite you to spend some time with God..Makes me just want to linger in His Presence! While I was in this prayer room last weekend I was reminded again how GOOD it feels to be in them, how I feel like I could simply just stay in them. Peace, love, peace.
Our/the girls idea was to create a "keidaspaikka" (sanctuary/oasis). I think it was that. Here's some of the art from there:

PS if you'd like to create a space for prayer check out www.24-7Prayer.com Hopefully a Finnish page coming out soon too! There's a link to different national pages there.. I especially like the Swedish one and the Australian one. Ah well, if you can French then this is for you.
*Photos by Sini H & myself, the first two pieces of art by Ella
02 April 2007
Hey peeps! Sorry long time no blog! Been a bit busy. I really like this worship, that was new to me but heard live the band this weekend. Got me worshiping! Nice to see new stuff springing up in Finland. So check out "ylistyspoppii" in mikserinet. I like especially the song "Olet Suunnaton". Resonates something within me.. Sorry for all English speaking peeps, this is in Finnish =) You can still enjoy the sounds though.. ;)
Also, here's somewhere to go over Easter!(I am!)
Also, here's somewhere to go over Easter!(I am!)
09 March 2007
Imagini Me
Saw this on someone else's blog! (Actually it was Just Mom in her Musings) Not sure how true it is of me as a whole, but descriptive of my current mood & where I am at mo! Haha. The pictures were awesome in general, the pics you get to choose from that is. Do yours, and let me see what you came up with!
08 March 2007
In the news
Koululaiset toivovat aikuisilta rajoja
Koululaiset toivovat, että aikuiset olisivat nykyistä kiinnostuneempia lasten elämästä ja asettaisivat enemmän rajoja. Tätä mieltä olivat lähes kaikki lapsiasiavaltuutetun uuteen selvitykseen osallistuneet peruskoululaiset. Lapset toivoivat myös viihtyisämpää kouluympäristöä sekä parempia liikunta- ja kirjastopalveluita vapaa-ajalle.
Selvitys pohjautuu 68 erikokoisen lapsiryhmän ryhmäkeskusteluihin.
04 March 2007
Perfect for sunday
Yeh, Release your inner visions!!! You are the only one who can..Your life is yours to live it out! I love this song. Awesome& the performance too! What passion&truthfulness.
*Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Glad to be alive
Lovely video. Check out the red shoes..!! And the lamp post, quite like Narnia, isn't it! Just watched it today. (for the first time)
23 February 2007
I've got... Milk!
This is amazing, check it out - I've got my own milk!! Haha! Apparentily they have this brand of milk in Portugal. (Maybe this is my first of many. Keep following the life and adventures of mimou!)
They even have a website. It's pretty cool I think. Now I definitely know I should learn more portuguese! (it's a beautiful language, and one of those languages I've been wanting to learn). Lately I've been into following all these different lifestyle programmes..decorating & food ones, like Nigella's..& a nice Finnish one. Pretty enjoyable those. (Though nothing beats Jamie Oliver!) Also following a bit more some talk shows, and the politics, as we've got the parliamentary elections by the door (in March). Oh, while we are on that topic, check this out! Eero eduskuntaan! First person I actually know personally to run! Päivi Räsänen's page is pretty good too.. Anywhoo, I better hit the road as I'm already late for Jaakko's going away party. (He's moving to Barcelona, permanent job there! Woohoo, isn't that neat!!) I'm pretty happy for him for that new twist in his life! ..heh, while waiting for my own twists :-) Thanks be to Jaakko for that photograph too btw. Ok ,so must be off now. Bless you all! God be with You! May His Presence follow you all your days.. Much love, Mims as always. x
PS Listening to: Kelly Clarkson, "Breakaway"
11 February 2007
06 February 2007
another mimo poem
learning curve
learning curve
Very original, I know, I'm a natural talent you see. :-)
19 January 2007
Called to be..the face of love
I posted a Sanctus Real video not so long ago (click that or scroll down:)) Was reading their website yesterday.

"We don't know what
Jesus really looked like,
but we can know
who Jesus is.
We can then discover
who we are in Christ and
hope beyond hope to become
the face of love to all
those around us."
but we can know
who Jesus is.
who we are in Christ and
hope beyond hope to become
the face of love to all
those around us."
18 January 2007
16 January 2007
She said Yes
"Uskovan elämässä ei ole sellaista kuolemaa, jota ei seuraisi ylösnousemus"
I've actually read (and have them) two books of the lives of two girls who were killed a the Columbine shooting in 1999. Both of them touched me, but especially this one .
12 January 2007
video update, part 293
Promoting some bands here :)
Fab song & vid, Sanctus Real here (listen to the drums!!)
Kutless homepage.
End - Promoting finished (this time.)
Fab song & vid, Sanctus Real here (listen to the drums!!)
Kutless homepage.
End - Promoting finished (this time.)
08 January 2007
Brian Heasley from 24-7 Ibiza has written a really good piece about Discernment. Do read it! I'm one all for discernment.
80s, Baby!
This one's for Reija-Riitta.. =) ..and everyone else! Vicky Rosti and Finland's entry to Eurovision Songcontest in 1987 :)
02 January 2007
Off to Helsinki
I'm off to Helsinki tomorrow for a few days, so thought I should maybe write a few lines before I go. Christmas period will be finished by the time I get back! O-ou. So quickly it goes by each time. At the start of this new year, for the last, oh well, two days ;) that we have been in to this year, what I feel is thankful. I'm feeling really really thankful. I'm thankful about life in general. Basically I just realised that Im glad to be alive and I love my life! And I feel thankful of all my friends!! I'm so thankful of you guys!! That you are in my life. Each one of you is precious to me and each one a unique add to my life.
I've been in Lahti now for two years (huh! crazy! is it two years really? Where has the time gone?) and I feel really thankful to God for all the relationships and friendships that I have here, my life in here. This is the second time in my life actually that in three years I have created a life somewhere "new" (ok, Lahti was less new when compared to Glasgow..but still.. =)) But everyone in Lahti, thanks for being. Most of the time I have been feeling like fish on dry land (well sometimes :)) but you have made it easier! And all my friends everywhere else on this globe, I am thankful for yous and love you as well, as you should know!!!!
Ok, so I think you get the general idea =) I love you all. What would life be without friends.
Ohh PS. just to ensure that you guys will have some laughter and fun in the start of the year..Don't miss these two videos!! :D
Armi ja Danny (sooo hilarious...)
Finnish Disco With Åke Blomqvist (get out of your chair and try it out!)
I've been in Lahti now for two years (huh! crazy! is it two years really? Where has the time gone?) and I feel really thankful to God for all the relationships and friendships that I have here, my life in here. This is the second time in my life actually that in three years I have created a life somewhere "new" (ok, Lahti was less new when compared to Glasgow..but still.. =)) But everyone in Lahti, thanks for being. Most of the time I have been feeling like fish on dry land (well sometimes :)) but you have made it easier! And all my friends everywhere else on this globe, I am thankful for yous and love you as well, as you should know!!!!
Ok, so I think you get the general idea =) I love you all. What would life be without friends.
Ohh PS. just to ensure that you guys will have some laughter and fun in the start of the year..Don't miss these two videos!! :D
Armi ja Danny (sooo hilarious...)
Finnish Disco With Åke Blomqvist (get out of your chair and try it out!)
01 January 2007
Happy New Year!
Haha, this is funny. Check it out. Kinda makes you feel like it was inspired by John Eldredge's book "Wild at heart" (love that one. Oh and I remember the time when Jaakko called me to sell me a mobile phone contract and it ended up me selling him the book! Now who's the seller! ohh those were the times =)) But yeh, here's Bradley Hathaway with "Manly Man" =)
Manly Man
Manly Man
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