Walk by faith and other routes by Mimou
About Me
20 May 2007
Hehe, my friend Minnapinna sent me this video. I'd like to learn Spanish! I simply looooooooooooove languages, and learning new ones! In order to keep up with French (oh, I remember sooooooo little.) and Swedish, I think I should move to both countries for a wee period of time. Spain, why not too? Portuguese is a nice language as well. (My knowledge of portuguese is simply through the music of Marisa Monte) I like the story of Robin Hood, and I'd like to visit Sherwood woods! Did you know there is a band called Sherwood? Anyways, I once wrote on in an English essay back in Upper Secondary that "You are never too old to learn something new" Life shall never get boring as long as there's a new language I can dig into! Watashi-wa Mimosa!
PS Have no clue why it is not letting comments on this post...not intended :)