09 March 2007

Imagini Me

Saw this on someone else's blog! (Actually it was Just Mom in her Musings) Not sure how true it is of me as a whole, but descriptive of my current mood & where I am at mo! Haha. The pictures were awesome in general, the pics you get to choose from that is. Do yours, and let me see what you came up with!

08 March 2007

In the news

Koululaiset toivovat aikuisilta rajoja

Koululaiset toivovat, että aikuiset olisivat nykyistä kiinnostuneempia lasten elämästä ja asettaisivat enemmän rajoja. Tätä mieltä olivat lähes kaikki lapsiasiavaltuutetun uuteen selvitykseen osallistuneet peruskoululaiset. Lapset toivoivat myös viihtyisämpää kouluympäristöä sekä parempia liikunta- ja kirjastopalveluita vapaa-ajalle.
Selvitys pohjautuu 68 erikokoisen lapsiryhmän ryhmäkeskusteluihin.

From ESS

(For the English-speaking: Latest research/report tells us that school kids wish for adults to set more boundaries for them and to be more interested in their lives. Nearly all of the kids involved in the study,aged 7 to 16 yrs old, reported that!)

04 March 2007

Perfect for sunday

Yeh, Release your inner visions!!! You are the only one who can..Your life is yours to live it out! I love this song. Awesome& the performance too! What passion&truthfulness.

*Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

Glad to be alive


Lovely video. Check out the red shoes..!! And the lamp post, quite like Narnia, isn't it! Just watched it today. (for the first time)