Today I am feeling like these two videos. :) It's beautiful and sunny over here..Today was also the first day that a jacket of any form (even the lightest ones) was definitely too much! Summer is just around the corner! It looks so beautiful here, so green.
As I was walking into town to get a wee present for my little sis, I thought about how green and lively and amazing everything looks. How the nature has changed and really bloomed and blossomed within the last week or so. And I was thinking how in life in general, sometimes there are tough patches, those times like the first of spring when the snow melts and everything looks rather brown and grey and no green and new life in sight yet. There is a period of time that it doesn't look so pretty, when it takes a wee while for the new life, for the green and the lively and the glorius to grow. But we can be sure that new life will always bound, every year it happens in spring.
It looks gorgeous here! :) Must try get some pics..the birch trees are beautiful! (And green.)
PS Check out Yvonne's blog!