01 July 2007

Seasons of Love from RENT

Here's a song from the Musical RENT, I've actually never seen it (the movie or the Broadway musical) but I've known of it. (Actually RENT reminds me of a certain flight back in 1999 from the States to Reykjavik in Iceland..hmm hehe..think it was the first time I heard of it ;) ) But yes I came across this song earlier this week. Just felt like another perfect Sunday song! So here's RENT with "Seasons of Love" (Had not heard it before)

Found another slightly longer version with the Youth from Etobicoke School for the Arts in Toronto, Canada. Here's their performance from August 2006 at an International AIDS Vigil in Toronto. Enjoy - Some talented youth there! (Btw, nice name of a place, Etobicoke, I think)

P.S. Happy Birthday to Ivonne!!
P.P.S Mark your books, mine is in exactly two weeks!!!

1 comment:

The Wee Italian Chick said...

Thanks Mimo, you are a sweetie! Catch ya soon, xx