24 October 2006

Best friendship quote I know

Ei mikään aika tai etäisyys heikennä niiden ystävyyttä, jotka tuntevat toistensa arvon.

Robert Southey

More Quotes & that one in English here

22 October 2006

there's enough death as it is..let us not further more..let's speak life

This issue about words is very personal to God. It concerns how we talk about ourselves, our spouses, our children, our churches, our cities, and our nations. Our words are being aligned with the words of Christ. Jesus only did and said what He saw His Father doing and saying...this is our example. We must watch and listen before we speak because there is life and death in the tongue, and God is adding a new authority upon our words as His sons and daughters to speak life into nations, people, situations, etc. It is a time to know His words more then ever before, and to align our words with His Word.

God desires that healing comes forth from our mouths, not harm.

We need to let the prayer of our
heart be out of Psalm 19:14

"Let the words of my mouth

and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable in Thy sight,

O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

By Kathi Pelton,

Operation Prayer Watch

13 October 2006