Walk by faith and other routes by Mimou
About Me
30 May 2006
It is You - Newsboys
Oh like this one..Makes me think of my gospel choir days in Gla. Like Newsboys, love the choir. Nice one.
I'm fast becoming quite a video blogger - maybe I should opt for a career as a vj?
Feeling good
Hold my feet to the fire
Till i'm breaking a sweat
Till i'll never forget your call
Keep me in line
Give me the nerve
Here it's all in the serve
Locked in the diamond lane
I keep driving past it
Better to be safe
Than learn what you're about
Give me another chance to go where You're going now
I’m here to walk it out
I’m here to walk it out
I’m here to walk it out
(M.W.S "It's all in the serve")
Im feeling aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive! This song describes my mood at mo! Feeling extremely happy today! God just loves me so, he does :) Im in love and I am feeling loved!! (grinning from ear to ear)
I like the way M.W.S. writes his songs. I like the way he says it. How he can be challenging and bold (ref. to "Cross of Gold" : What's your lie, tell me why you were your cross of gold ) He sure is no people pleaser, and neither was Jesus. It's a matter of telling it like it is. The Truth. Nothing beats pure raw honesty!! Yeps.!
Till i'm breaking a sweat
Till i'll never forget your call
Keep me in line
Give me the nerve
Here it's all in the serve
Locked in the diamond lane
I keep driving past it
Better to be safe
Than learn what you're about
Give me another chance to go where You're going now
I’m here to walk it out
I’m here to walk it out
I’m here to walk it out
(M.W.S "It's all in the serve")
Im feeling aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive! This song describes my mood at mo! Feeling extremely happy today! God just loves me so, he does :) Im in love and I am feeling loved!! (grinning from ear to ear)
I like the way M.W.S. writes his songs. I like the way he says it. How he can be challenging and bold (ref. to "Cross of Gold" : What's your lie, tell me why you were your cross of gold ) He sure is no people pleaser, and neither was Jesus. It's a matter of telling it like it is. The Truth. Nothing beats pure raw honesty!! Yeps.!
28 May 2006
27 May 2006
24 May 2006
Challenges for development
Life happened and as I was ill and also too much on workwise I wasn't able to start attending this lecture course that I was hoping for :-( and forgot about it kind of too...Err :/ http://www.avoin.helsinki.fi/arkisto/luennolle23.htm
Anyways, maybe I could remember this one, there is only one anyway. (its about regionalism)
"Keskustelutilaisuus alueellisuudesta ja regionalismista"
Helsinki 13.06.2006 klo 14:00 - 16:00
Anyways, maybe I could remember this one, there is only one anyway. (its about regionalism)
"Keskustelutilaisuus alueellisuudesta ja regionalismista"
Helsinki 13.06.2006 klo 14:00 - 16:00
22 May 2006
I tutored a friends daughter,15/16, in math because she was about to fail it this spring. So her exam marks were 4. (the lowest mark you can get in Finland..They go from 4 to 10 being the best grade, 10 is like A)
Anyways, here's the story...
After first tutoring class -> her next exam mark -> 6 -
After second tutoring class-> exam mark-> 8- (!!!)
Woot!!!! Ohh yeeeah Ohh yeeeeaaaah (swings around)
Anyways, here's the story...
After first tutoring class -> her next exam mark -> 6 -
After second tutoring class-> exam mark-> 8- (!!!)
Woot!!!! Ohh yeeeah Ohh yeeeeaaaah (swings around)
15 May 2006
God is so faithful!
Yep! Today has actually been a really good day. Hands up all who vote for three teaching classes per day only! ( ^^^ I put up three hands!!) I still got the cold but it's not so bad. Classes went swell. Had to blog as the day has gone so well! Thanks for all your prayers & supportive thoughts. (Please continue though as well) And to top it all off, I found out I have NO CLASSES to teach tomorrow! A day off basically! There's some teachers stuff happening. It's good news in the sense that a) I can heal this cold and stay in bed, but bad news in the sense that b) I had planned classes & teaching schedule so as if there was still tomorrow coming..It's a shame, with one class I had planned to take up Ireland tomorrow and show a video bit of Riverdance and some booklet I have from my two visits to Ireland, but no can do :-( It's a shame they were a really nice class too.
Well, at least I get to rest then. (But I would rather go to work! Crazy, aren't I?)
Anyways, today I've really enjoyed teaching. Probably due to also the fact that I had a few of the nicer classes today. The kids are a joy to teach. It was my last class with one of them, 8th graders, and one of the girls asked me: "So what do you do you go back home after thursday?" It was rather hilarious. We all laughed. I mean, I might like the school and its atmosphere, but not SO MUCH that I'd sleep there. Hehe. She made my day! She was just so genuine with her question :-)
Well, at least I get to rest then. (But I would rather go to work! Crazy, aren't I?)
Anyways, today I've really enjoyed teaching. Probably due to also the fact that I had a few of the nicer classes today. The kids are a joy to teach. It was my last class with one of them, 8th graders, and one of the girls asked me: "So what do you do you go back home after thursday?" It was rather hilarious. We all laughed. I mean, I might like the school and its atmosphere, but not SO MUCH that I'd sleep there. Hehe. She made my day! She was just so genuine with her question :-)
14 May 2006
head empty
I came down with a cold last night, and now I'm having the shivers, throath and head hurts, hopefully no fever rises.. Please pray for me as have 4 more days of teaching left..Luckily only 3 classes tomorrow, and three on tuesday, but in other ways too this would be a really busy week and I'd have lots to do. And have work to do just now even :-( Oh help me God..so NOT the time to be sick. but so many pupils have been, and also Leena but I resisted for..4 to 5 days or so.
Much Love
Much Love
08 May 2006
" It’s not about the friends I have
Its’ not about the house I have
or the social status I have
It’s about me and You"
FAITH by Jason Upton
Its’ not about the house I have
or the social status I have
It’s about me and You"
This is a great Faith song!
FAITH by Jason Upton
Let faith arise, oh Lord, let faith arise
In the deepest parts of my being, oh Lord
In the most broken parts of me, oh Lord
Friends have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Loved ones have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Heroes have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
I say NO to the discouragement that keeps me down
I say NO to the things that keep me back from You
And this broken heart inside of me
Broken in so many pieces
By so many circumstances
I say NO to just letting it stay that way
Because I’m learning to trust that it’s not You that hurt me
I’m learning to believe that it’s not You that deserted me
I’m believing that You still love me
Brokenness and all
I’m believing that You’ve got a plan for me
I’m believing that You will restore me
I believe that You will awaken my soul
And let, let faith arise again, I believe
I believe like a little child again
I’m gonna dance in my trust in You, oh Lord
I’m gonna dance in my love for You, oh Lord
I’m gonna laugh again
I’m gonna cry again
I’m gonna have joy, joy on the inside
Circumstances around me try to pull me down
I’m going to believe in that faith again
‘Cause You’re my Creator
You’re my Comfort
You’re the One that will never desert me
So Daddy, I raise my hands up to You Lord
I raise my hands up to You, oh Lord
And I dance with my feet, I dance with my feet
And I say, come and, come and hold me Lord
‘Cause I’m learning to trust You with the faith of a child
Trust You with the faith of a child
I can have joy again like a child
I’m not going to let it come down
I’m not going to let those bullets come down
Come down and hurt me no more
‘Cause I’m raising up the Shield of Faith
And the Sword of the Lord
I’m believing on your Word Lord
I’m trusting in the Word that You said
And I’m waiting on You
Waiting on You
And I’m rejoicing in the fact that the Bible says
That You are my Victorious Warrior
You’re the one that fights for me
I don’t have to fight anymore
You’re the one that fights for me, oh Lord
My faith is rising, my faith is rising, my faith is rising
I can see You again Lord.
I can see You on the horizon of my life, oh Lord
I can see Your Son, it’s rising up, it’s rising up, it’s rising up
And I don’t have to be discouraged anymore
And I don’t have to fight this loneliness anymore
‘Cause You’re in my life, You’re in my life more than anyone can ever be
Father we’re building a relationship again, just me and You
We’re building a relationship again, just me and You
It’s not about the job I have
It’s not about the friends I have
Its’ not about the house I have or the social status I have
It’s about me and You
We’re building a relationship again, just me and You
You’re building my faith up again
Let faith arise, oh Lord!
In the deepest parts of my being, oh Lord
In the most broken parts of me, oh Lord
Friends have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Loved ones have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Heroes have failed me Lord, let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
Let my faith arise
I say NO to the discouragement that keeps me down
I say NO to the things that keep me back from You
And this broken heart inside of me
Broken in so many pieces
By so many circumstances
I say NO to just letting it stay that way
Because I’m learning to trust that it’s not You that hurt me
I’m learning to believe that it’s not You that deserted me
I’m believing that You still love me
Brokenness and all
I’m believing that You’ve got a plan for me
I’m believing that You will restore me
I believe that You will awaken my soul
And let, let faith arise again, I believe
I believe like a little child again
I’m gonna dance in my trust in You, oh Lord
I’m gonna dance in my love for You, oh Lord
I’m gonna laugh again
I’m gonna cry again
I’m gonna have joy, joy on the inside
Circumstances around me try to pull me down
I’m going to believe in that faith again
‘Cause You’re my Creator
You’re my Comfort
You’re the One that will never desert me
So Daddy, I raise my hands up to You Lord
I raise my hands up to You, oh Lord
And I dance with my feet, I dance with my feet
And I say, come and, come and hold me Lord
‘Cause I’m learning to trust You with the faith of a child
Trust You with the faith of a child
I can have joy again like a child
I’m not going to let it come down
I’m not going to let those bullets come down
Come down and hurt me no more
‘Cause I’m raising up the Shield of Faith
And the Sword of the Lord
I’m believing on your Word Lord
I’m trusting in the Word that You said
And I’m waiting on You
Waiting on You
And I’m rejoicing in the fact that the Bible says
That You are my Victorious Warrior
You’re the one that fights for me
I don’t have to fight anymore
You’re the one that fights for me, oh Lord
My faith is rising, my faith is rising, my faith is rising
I can see You again Lord.
I can see You on the horizon of my life, oh Lord
I can see Your Son, it’s rising up, it’s rising up, it’s rising up
And I don’t have to be discouraged anymore
And I don’t have to fight this loneliness anymore
‘Cause You’re in my life, You’re in my life more than anyone can ever be
Father we’re building a relationship again, just me and You
We’re building a relationship again, just me and You
It’s not about the job I have
It’s not about the friends I have
Its’ not about the house I have or the social status I have
It’s about me and You
We’re building a relationship again, just me and You
You’re building my faith up again
Let faith arise, oh Lord!
A Question
Is it all really about "Hanging with the right people"- even as christians? Are we that shallow? Geez people! C'mon!
07 May 2006
Vapaa Oon!
I was here..! Dancing away along with all the others! See a Finnish Worship video.. "Vapaa Oon" (I am free)
There's been two Gwyneth Paltrow movies on this weekend and tonight was "Sliding Doors" and all thru this weekend I've been thinking about culture..(Bcos of Gwynnie and the movie, and bcos of Johanna's email from Toronto and Sharon's text msg..etc etc.. lots things sparked this trail of thought this weekend)
There's something about the UK that draws me there, and I really like the country&its culture. (Sliding Doors the movie - - made in London plus John Hannah with his Scottish accent in it enough to make me remember UK!) But then, there is so much why I am "proud" to be a Finn too! So many things about our culture that I really respect and am glad to be a part of, glad to be "of" this country. And even though I love also living in the UK, it is of course so home here, I guess sbcos it surely outweighs UK in familiriaty for me, - I mean 3 years vs. 20+ 3 yearsshould be pretty obvious LOL.
What is it that I most love about my country then? I've been thinking how could I put my finger on it, and I think it is this: it's down-to-Earth here. Down-to-Earth. And the honesty. I hope it keeps this way, and that we don't lose the heritage we have from our forefathers in this ever-globalising world. All the berry- and mushroom picking, knitting socks, making yuor own juices from the berries you've picked..together with lots of other things. Like our education system, "free" HEALTHY school food, and the welfare state that looks after the weaker in the society making sure all get to study and have a home etc.
(BTW I have some catching up to do- it's been a long time that I've been picking up berries, forgotten mostly how to make socks, and have never yet made any juices..It's a mission for me this summer to learn to make juice! And to get my a** to the woods to get some blueberries picked!!)
Ahh not sure if this made any sense or had any coherence -- well some thoughts though not very collected ones tonight.
Blessings to ya'll !! God loves you a lot!! Yes, He does He really really DOES!
There's been two Gwyneth Paltrow movies on this weekend and tonight was "Sliding Doors" and all thru this weekend I've been thinking about culture..(Bcos of Gwynnie and the movie, and bcos of Johanna's email from Toronto and Sharon's text msg..etc etc.. lots things sparked this trail of thought this weekend)
There's something about the UK that draws me there, and I really like the country&its culture. (Sliding Doors the movie - - made in London plus John Hannah with his Scottish accent in it enough to make me remember UK!) But then, there is so much why I am "proud" to be a Finn too! So many things about our culture that I really respect and am glad to be a part of, glad to be "of" this country. And even though I love also living in the UK, it is of course so home here, I guess sbcos it surely outweighs UK in familiriaty for me, - I mean 3 years vs. 20+ 3 yearsshould be pretty obvious LOL.
What is it that I most love about my country then? I've been thinking how could I put my finger on it, and I think it is this: it's down-to-Earth here. Down-to-Earth. And the honesty. I hope it keeps this way, and that we don't lose the heritage we have from our forefathers in this ever-globalising world. All the berry- and mushroom picking, knitting socks, making yuor own juices from the berries you've picked..together with lots of other things. Like our education system, "free" HEALTHY school food, and the welfare state that looks after the weaker in the society making sure all get to study and have a home etc.
(BTW I have some catching up to do- it's been a long time that I've been picking up berries, forgotten mostly how to make socks, and have never yet made any juices..It's a mission for me this summer to learn to make juice! And to get my a** to the woods to get some blueberries picked!!)
Ahh not sure if this made any sense or had any coherence -- well some thoughts though not very collected ones tonight.
Blessings to ya'll !! God loves you a lot!! Yes, He does He really really DOES!
04 May 2006
Happy Birthday Hanna!

Yesterday was Hanna's Bday! She is a dear dear friend and an amazing one! She is one of my closest friends. Hanna is one of the most Jesus-like and reliable persons I know! Once when I went to see her at work one of her colleagues asked if we were sisters. Apparentily we laugh the same way!
There are two other friends of which I've been asked if they were my sisters. Suvi and Leena. (Hehe, former flatmate/current flatmate!) What do they say,
"Seura tekee kaltaisekseen"
Anyways, Happy Birthday Hanna! Am thankful for your friendship!!
What really matters
Your glory goes beyond all fame
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame
Yesterday I found out that there is a "rukouspiiri" (a prayer group meeting) at the school I am teaching in. It meets two times a week, on wednesdays and fridays. My heart so rejoices over that! There are quite a few pupils wearing a cross necklace. Of course that doesn't yet mean that they were necessarily christian, but still.. In some ways I realise that I'd much rather be speaking to them and encouraging them in the the things that REALLY matter...To be encouraging them in the faith walk, to talk to them about God who loves them and in whom they can always find refuge in and trust no matter what.. Feed them spiritually (for I know they are hungry!) I mean spreading the English language and culture is not bad either but really - the eternal matters do win over English any day!
I'd just SO love to be there encouraging them to live their faith out at the school & in life in general. To be a support. Also, today I received an email in which I was told how they'd had a 24-7 Prayer Room in the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, at a school - Wow!!! That's what I'd like to see happen more! Having a place to meet God in the midst of every day life.
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