“Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours, no feet but yours.
yours are the eyes through which he is to look out,
Christ’s compassion to the world.
yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
yours the hands with which he is to bless now.”
no hands but yours, no feet but yours.
yours are the eyes through which he is to look out,
Christ’s compassion to the world.
yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
yours the hands with which he is to bless now.”
- mother teresa
I cannot help but quote from Kathy Escobar's blog again. She simply puts it so well in words. I am storing it up here to remind myself :)
"When people think of Jesus, their responses usually land in this area: loving, kind, merciful, compassionate."
How I wish to be those things. I have also come to realise that being loving, kind merciful and compassionate doesn't mean I have to be a people pleaser and accept everything.
"Unfortunately we tend to not be known for our love, mercy & compassion. why? because so many have become entangled in contemporary culture that tends to focus on self, independence, survival of the fittest, and a “let’s-not-get-our-hands-too-dirty” mentality."
"it’s the people who matter; doctrine, rules, the outside of our cups mean nothing. focus on people, on hearts. go out of your way to extend your heart and help and care and concern to those who need it, whatever that looks like. sacrifice yourself. lose your life. stop and help. shore up wounds. offer healing touches. look the outcasts in the eyes and remind them of their worth. this is what we as individuals, as a body, should be about."Amen.
se rumpujuttu on ehkä paras joo, Southamptonissa 24-7 Home tapaamisessa ne samat triiben pojat veti lauantai-iltana ylistyksen...oli aika villi ja ehkä parasta ikinä. :)
oo, wish I had been there!
Merry Christmas Mimosa, lots of love, Steve and Carla xxx
Thanks Carla! Same to you! I am somewhere where it's white.. :-) Blessings to the New Year! xxx
hyvää joulua vielä kerran! maailma on pieni ja internet ihmeellinen. ihmeellisempi vielä on Jumalamme ja jouluyön ihme. kirkossa on hienoa nähdä ihmisiä, erityisen hienoa on tavata uusia ihmisiä. mukava kun olit siellä! mukava kun tapasimme!
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