it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn that sometimes the only way out is through. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, i'd run to you now if i could but things have changed. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, to believe in things that we cant see. (so here we go) let's show them how to live, accept the pain always forgive, watch the sun go down and learn the sound of following all that's complete. it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn without faith the sky isn't as blue. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, we'll look towards the stars and dream that we're airplanes. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, when you watch the sunset think of me.
Somebody said that Jesus's favorite colour is sunset. I can imagine so.. Listening to this song "Second Place victory" by THIS DAY AND AGE made me think of it. Sunset and Jesus. This all also reminded me of a story John Duncan, the head of Youth For Christ Europe & Middle East told us at the Staff Training Institute in Northern Ireland.. One of the evangelists who worked with YfC in the beginning of it all in the 1940s and 50s, was interviewed when they were doing a history of YfC. This former evangelist strayed away from God long the years, and when he was aked what he missed most about his time with Youth For Christ, this former evangelists replied:
Made me weep at the time. I miss you too, Jesus. My God, My Lord, My Saviour. Im so thankful you came and saved me, gave me this life, filled me with life, took me out of emptyness. Keep me close to you, always. Keep me in The Vine.

"when you watch the sunset think of me."
Meidän Iskällä näyttää olevan tämän viikon teemana auringonlaskut. Käy tsekkaamassa mun blogista Jumalan viimesin ylläri mulle. Törmäillään.
With Love M
Jes MEIDÄN Iskällä!!! :-) eiks oo ihanaa...Uskossa yhtä perhettä. Love Mim
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