Walk by faith and other routes by Mimou
About Me
31 July 2006
29 July 2006
Destined for something
We all have a purpose to be, a place to be, we are all destined for something.

I’m destined for something I feel it inside A prophet or poet Would be just fine An inspiring writer An eloquent preacher What do you have for me But I will be Faithful in small things Not neglecting what’s right in my hand And whatever I do May it always bring glory to You Make me a servant Or make me stand tall If I have great talent Or nothing at all Well it doesn’t matter For Your plan is greater I want Your plan for me And whatever will come Let my prayer be this one That I’ll follow You all of my days In the big and the small Let them all bring glory to You Oh Lord I want to Do great things for You But all great things are not so big They’re sometimes small And whatever will come Let my prayer be this one That I’ll follow You all of my days And when my life is through I pray it brought glory to You Lord when my life is through I pray it brought glory to You
~ Lisa Gungor "the Big and the Small" ~
27 July 2006
More to this Life
Hey peeps, hey myself (As not sure if anyone actually besides moiself READS this..haven't sent the new address to much ppl yet..as wasnt sure if I was gonna change it again.) I have emigrated to MySpace somewhat of late. Have not felt much like blogging. Ah, and it's summer, hey! :) I like what Maija wrote on her myspace (Oh and here's Maija's blog too.) I can pretty much sign everything she said, but this bit in particular
"I see life as an adventure, I don´t think God wanted us to be bored on earth. He has so much in store for us..I wanna explore it throughout my life"
For Freedom it was that Christ set us free.