25 April 2006

Welcome to this world!

Today at 1.54 am I became doubly an aunt -yes that's right -my brother and his wife just had a wee baby girl!! She was 53,5 cm and over 4 kilos!! Well, I was somewhat the same on the kilo side when I was born...Soooooo if she's anything like her aunt she has nothing to worry;-)

Jessica, my niece as well and my goddaughter, who is 4 and a half at mo, had said about christmas time a year and a half ago that "I will have a baby sister when I'm four". Prophetic girl hah.. Kids are soooooooooooooooooooo close to God. Amazing isn't it. God truly is and He exists. AND HE SPEAKS. All we have to do is tune in and listen.. :)

Anyways, Congrats M & K! and Welcome to this world sweet little bundle!! My prayer for you is that you will be and feel loved, come to know your Heavenly Father closely and have a truly Blessed walk in this life. Love you already!!

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