21 April 2006

Hearing God's Voice

Sinun vain on valtakunta
Sinun Kunnia ja Voima
Sinun vain on valtakunta
Suuri Pyhä Muuttumaton
Loit Maailman Katoavan
Avaruudessa laulusi soi.
Loit ihmisen. Maan tomusen.

Sinun äänesi kuulla hän voi.


Anonymous said...

Hey...thanks for visiting my blog today! I would love to know what this says...but I only speak English...do you mind translating it for me??? I've enjoyed viewing your blog!

Mimosa said...

Hi Fr'nklin! Nae Bother! Sure I can translate. It's a song. Goes something like this:

"Thine is the Kingdom,
Thine the power and the glory
For Thine is the kingdom,
great eternal Father and God.

You created the world
that will cease one day
the universe declares your Name
(or literally: Your song)
You created Man
Who is but of Dust


P.S. By the way, in the birthday post "Seura tekee kaltaisekseen" means that "you become like the company you keep" ..I couldn't think of what would be the same phrase in English. "Father like son" Didn't feel like it would quite fit.. Would you know a phrase that has that meaning? Oh hand thanks for visiting too!