Sometimes life is funny. This evening I was spesifically thinking of these girls
... my life at 1063 Sauchiehall Street three years ago. Vi, the blonder one is planning to come and visit me hopefully next month. And I was spesifically thinking of Karina (the dark one on the right), and thought "I should get in touch with her, and wonder how she's doing". Then I log on to Facebook and about exactly at the same time as I had been thinking of her, she had written a comment to Vi's page about our times together..!!! Love how these happen. Like a little miracle, makes life feel so much more special. Sometimes a thought can travel through a thousand miles? Or a prayer. There's so much in the world that is unseen...But how lovely to think, that we were actually thinking of each other at the exact same time. That's a warming thought.
I miss these girls, and am thankful for my time in Glasgow and meeting all the lovely people I did - important ones to me. Lifelong friendships made.
Can you guess what our doorbell said.. |
Lots of other lovely people I've come across blogosphere in my six years here. To begin with, very few Finns were blogging back in 2005, I started as I wanted to keep in touch with the "outside" world (outside Finland) and also to have a space to keep up English for me, to not to forget the language. And as said, I was really only mostly reading English-speaking blogs. It wasn't until 2008 that I found Finnish/Finnish speaking blogs. So many they were all of a sudden! Lots of other lovely peeps who shared my situation then: a Finn abroad. Eloveena from Istanbul, who doesn't blog openly anymore, has become a friend: I've met her aunt, grandmother, mother and father and been to their house. I interviewed her 100-year old grandma for my dissertation. (She passed away last year..)

Not to also forget Kathy Escobar's blog... and Timo of course.
So feeling thankful this week. Not a bad start to the week.
These photos were taken 14 February 2008 at
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