much of my journey up until then had been about pretending, saying the right things, staying disconnected from myself, from God, from others even though on the outside it didn’t look like it and i most certainly was in church every sunday!
and as i started to get “real”, i also started to become more of an “outsider” in the churches that i was in. in many ways i sort of became the banner waver for “healing”, for “authenticity”, for “safety” in the communities that i was in. and to be honest, it was usually met with resistance. i think there is a general fear among many church leaders of actually creating real community. i think it’s easy to plant a “church”(as in a service, building, program, website, pastor-in-charge, etc.) but much harder to cultivate a true “community” that functions as an organic, messy, beautiful, ugly group of people on the journey together.
Love you, Kathy! My idea of church is this too. The very last words here. It's about doing life together.
Photo from
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