20 March 2010

From yesterday

"Christianity has been buried inside the walls of churches and secured with the shackles of dogmatism. Let it be liberated to come into the midst of us and teach us freedom, equality and love."

- Minna Canth

As happens, I am reading a book by Neil Cole (Organic Church) from which I just yesterday of all days read this quote from(!). And yesterday was another flagging day - AND in honour/celebration of Minna Canth of all people and of equality in Finland. Amazing!

For some weird reason, every time within 2010 I've seen the Finnish flag in the flagpole something stirs within me and I've been touched by it. I'm not sure if it is something that happens to a return migrant like me, or whether it is something God is speaking to my heart. Anyway, I was like "What are we flagging for now? March 19th?" I didn't know. As you know turned out it was Minna Canth's day. And I think I can be excused for not knowing what it was for - it's only been set as a flagging day since 2007 - and I was away from the country for two years..

I do like flags in general. Flags are important. They carry a message and are a sign. I've studied somewhat the importance of flags in popular rebellion (popular revolts) in the Middle Ages.. And have you seen the movie Kingdom of Heaven? With Orlando Bloom, Jeremy Irons, Liam Neeson to name a few... oh and even a Finnish actor Jouko Ahola(!) in it! :-) Well, if you have, you know they had loads of flags in the movie especially in the battle scenes. It is set in 1184 or something like that..

It is interesting, as we were a week ago at that 30 Seconds to Mars concert, I was just speaking to my friends there about how I like flags and how I think there should be more of them used in concerts and in dancing/shows.. and what happens, just a few moments later the band had two white flags on the stage! Another amazing thing. =)

You may know this song..

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