21 April 2009

Recommended for me :)

I opened youtube and it recommended e.g the following videos for me ;)

Colors of the Wind

Check out this better version, it is slightly longer and with subtitle. I just wasn't able to embed this one. It could be used in the postcolonial theory course even to illustrate postcolonial thought (ps. not the best of links that one, but gives at least some image), has postcolonialism's elements (who actually is the civilized one? and illustrates the westerners attitudes..that still abide largely in us today underneath, sometimes we are not even aware how "colonial" our minds are.. Now there's some postcolonial theory 101 for you! lol..) in it! = me likes. :)

Youtube also thinks I speak Spanish.

Can you feel the love tonight

1000 things

(haha very "surprisingly" there was a Jason Mraz there, hehe)

This was also linked, it's actually quite a nice song: I'll do anything

And Little Mermaid!

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