I've had some interesting dreams. Last night I flew to Australia for "a field trip". :) (Couple of weeks ago I was in Mallorca for a week with the Geography Dpt for a field trip..where we completed research projects. Hmm, similar in Australia, I wouldn't mind!)
A few nights ago I dreamt that I had a solo in some choir concert, and had forgotten the words to my song (or not sure what my song was..). We were looking for the lyrics, or waiting to find them/it out. And at the end when the song was found it ended up being a Savage Garden song. :D I am sure at the beginning of the dream it was a worship song or something like that! I thought it was hilarious. Maybe it was like "Idol" and the song was chosen to me, I was just waiting to be told what to sing, because even in the dream I was like me singing that? (I have nothing against Savage Garden, but it was just a bit interesting.. especially for a choir concert!) Anyways, after I woke up the dream made me think of a saying that is one of my favourites.
" A friend is someone who knows
the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten the words."
I thought that dream was pretty apt, as that day (to which I awoke) I was about to see a good friend, Johanna, as she was up here for a visit from down south. We had our half a year update, though hopefully sooner next time!
Kiva teksti Mimo ja tosiaan jänniä unia;) Mulla tuli mieleen tosta Savage Gardenista yks meiän ekoista tapaamisista. Mä näin sut Lahen kirjastossa ja sä puhuit jostain laulusta tai bändistä, sitt mä aloin laulaa jotain laulua ett onks tää se laulu/bändi, mutt sitt tajusin ett se oliki joku ihan toinen ja tais just olla Savage Gardenin biisi... Onkohan tääki uni vai oikeesti tapahtunu...!?
Mä oon unohtanut vastata tähän Reija..tai joskus kirjoitin ja yhteys katkesi joten ei julkistunut! Mut joo, mä en muista! Mut hyvin mahdollista et kuitenkin tapahtunut =) Muistelisin kuitenkin et joo joskus 99 tai 00 ollaan kirjastossa törmätty.. Miksköhän ihmeessä mä oon jostai laulusta puhunut tosin?? Heh =D
Siukkuja my friend!
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