We have a again a computer (laptop even) in the house.. So here I am - BACK! Though am working in 9 hours time, so have to make it a G'Day even before I got in the door.. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still ALIVE and breathing and to wish you all a happy new year! As we are all here may I just pull your attention towards the bottom left hand corner and the banner that says "BraveNet Guestmap"... it's one for YOU.. Guest notes are welcomed..from YOU..might Isay it again...from You, yes, You! lol lol...bear with me people ! :)
Speaking of the guestmap, David from England - is that David Elsey or Richards? (I only know 2 Daves!) Hi Back!!!
And Scot, Thanks for visiting..I know Elim Chapel, it's true it's very near Battlefield Rest! Is Simon still your pastor? I met him at one event some 3 years ago. Ohh and Andy and his wife as well, who spoke Finnish (I'm Finnish). He was doing youth work? I think at the time. Some people at your church might also know Jaakko Soiva.. who's a friend and goes to the same church as me.. Think he was there with some TACF related thing for a visit. Alyn Jones also mentioned it's a great church. I was meant to come while I was living over there, but never made it. Will correct that mistake first thing next time Im over!!!
Okey do babes, Have babbled too much already. Be so very very Blessed this year everyone...May God lead you and guide you in all you do! CaN'T run away from His Love...He really loves us so.
Much Love, Mimsmi xx