10 April 2011

The image of God is fully male and fully female

Incredible! What power-walking and controlling. And devaluing of women. Read here. women are not of less value than men blacks are not of less value than whites children are of much greater value than adults! Many of these things I don't see lived out. We think people of other colour/nation are of lesser value. We think women are of lesser value than men. We think kids don't matter so much. when will we stop power-tripping??? Actions speak louder than words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sanoisitko että Jeesus oli/on, täysin mies ja täysin nainen?
Kaikkea hyvää siulle toivoen kehoitan pysymään kaukana tästä kaikesta mikä kutsuu itseään "emerging".
Raamatusta löytyy viisautemme.

-toinen nuori vanhan tien kulkija