Inspiring and amazing teaching by Pete Creig at Holy Trinity Brompton in London just this last Sunday! Listen to it here (it's only 35 mins long)
Why is it that so often we have the pointing finger rather than a helping hand?Love the attitude in this cartoon. Beautiful. Our world would be a much better place if we had more of this I think.. O that wed actually get involved, be part of. Someone's suffering. To be there for them. Walk side by side, whatever amount of that route is ours to walk beside that person, really that is a definition for friendship, of being a friend. In the end of life the guy in the blue shirt will be much richer than the guy in the green shirt, I'm sure.
Cartoon by jon birch at Asbo Jesus

Isn't she beautiful??? :) She is holding here my niece, Veronika Ilona Ester (like Veronica Joy Esther in English). Today she became V's godmother! I remember holding her like that when I was 12!! There's a picture to prove. (But not publishing that one!) I posted a pic earlier with my little sister in summer 07 - this is from last month so this is much updated one. She just turned sweet sixteen last month! Do you remember being 16?