07 June 2006


Ahh. I absolutely love having a buzzling house! (People coming and going, phone ringing, active house!) I LOVE people!!! Community is the word!! So today has been great again. First of all, after I finished work I stayed for a wee bit and listened to the yellow WoW Worship cd (..all good songs, really a good cd to own), and read a wee bit of a Cindy Jacobs book (Women of Destiny). Then got home, and Minna came round, soon to be followed by Maiju, who came a bit early for the meeting she came to, and we managed to chat a wee bit. Oh yeah, the worship team Leena is in, is meeting here as we speak at the other end of the house. So, as Leena has this meeting, more people followed. then Cheryl called. and Nanja. And Aikku. then Nanja came over to pick up Minna for some McFlurries, and they were maybe to come back but seems they ended up elsewhere. Aaahhh so that's the last half a day or quarter or something of a day in my life. Also, was asked to be one of the youth camp leaders - shall maybe do that.

Hahaa, the girls just came back with their McFlurries. Nice! Must go. Bbye. :-)

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