28 April 2006

In the Newspaper today

..I found this :

"Pisimmän selityksen vaati kysymys, miksi ihmisten pitää tunnustaa ja pyytää anteeksi syntinsä, jos kerran Jeesus on ne kertaalleen sovittanut. Piispa Pihkalan mukaan syntien tunnustamisessa on kysymys itsetutkiskelusta ja sen tunnustamisesta, että ihminen itse on kuitenkin vajavainen. Piispan henkilökohtainen viesti oppilaille oli: "Eläkää ihmisiksi." "

27 April 2006

To love as He loves

“Love is patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love doesn’t demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad over injustice, but rejoices when truth wins out. If you love someone, you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You’ll believe in him and always expect the best of him, while defending him.” (1 Corinthians 13:4 NKJ)

In my books (= mimou) that is a pretty good definition of love..Being loyal, believing in them and expecting the best of them.

"That is how God loves us. No matter how mean or selfish we are, or how many times we settle for our own way of doing things instead of His way—God’s response to us is love. When we truly realize how God, by His mercy, has loved us to the end of our meanness, selfishness and pride, then no matter how heartless another person may be, we can choose to respond to them with love. We can respond to the selfish and rude person with love, because that’s how God responds to us. And we can also respond to all people with love when we choose to see them as a valuable person created in the image of God. Because we are His disciples, we are to love others in the same way that God loves them.
Love is not a feeling; it’s a choice we make that leads to a lovely response toward others.

So how is God teaching us to respond with His kind of love? You guessed it—with sandpaper people. When we can respond in love to the most difficult person we know, then God has done one of His best works in you and me. He’s taught us how to love as He loves."

by Micca Campbell

25 April 2006

Welcome to this world!

Today at 1.54 am I became doubly an aunt -yes that's right -my brother and his wife just had a wee baby girl!! She was 53,5 cm and over 4 kilos!! Well, I was somewhat the same on the kilo side when I was born...Soooooo if she's anything like her aunt she has nothing to worry;-)

Jessica, my niece as well and my goddaughter, who is 4 and a half at mo, had said about christmas time a year and a half ago that "I will have a baby sister when I'm four". Prophetic girl hah.. Kids are soooooooooooooooooooo close to God. Amazing isn't it. God truly is and He exists. AND HE SPEAKS. All we have to do is tune in and listen.. :)

Anyways, Congrats M & K! and Welcome to this world sweet little bundle!! My prayer for you is that you will be and feel loved, come to know your Heavenly Father closely and have a truly Blessed walk in this life. Love you already!!

23 April 2006

I like this

Prends mon âme
Prends mon cœur
Je te donne tout
Prends ma vie
Me voici
Je te donne tout
Mon cœur est à toi
Tout à toi

...From/Via Sarah-Aubrey Hunter in Heart Set on Pilgrimage

21 April 2006

Hearing God's Voice

Sinun vain on valtakunta
Sinun Kunnia ja Voima
Sinun vain on valtakunta
Suuri Pyhä Muuttumaton
Loit Maailman Katoavan
Avaruudessa laulusi soi.
Loit ihmisen. Maan tomusen.

Sinun äänesi kuulla hän voi.

16 April 2006

Jeff Deyo

"Worship is so much more than a song..If our actions dont match up to the songs that we sing then we are just giving God lip-service, and we fall in to that same category that Israel fell into. God said that they were a people whose lips honored Him, but whose hearts were far from Him."

~ Jeff Deyo ~

03 April 2006

John 11:25

" I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."


02 April 2006

A really nice day

This sunday has been. We went to Helsinki to see a ballet of Martin Luther! Dmitri Bugayev who has directed and choreographed it is a believer, but otherwise none of the ballet dancers are. Yet it was pure gospel. I went with some of my cell group. And on the way back we stopped by at our senior pastors Markku's and Anita's house in Kerava for a cuppa( well dinner it was more like it!) were there was nice food, chat and prayer. Their house reminded me of Maria's parents house in Orimattila. Cosy, warm, homy, peaceful. Maria came to my class when I was on 4th grade - that's when you are 10 years old in Finland. By the way, they moved to Orimattila from Kerava..which is where we were today..interesting detail!

But yeah, it was a huge blessing to me that they did move to Orimattila. When they did, the love of God came close to me. Maria became my best friend. They were christians. The love in their home really touched me and I longed for the same love. I started going to Sunday School and King's Kids with her (and without her). I dont remember one time that Marias mum would have spoken to me about being saved or taking Jesus into my life or anything. She might have but at least I dont remember so. (my sunday school teacher did that) But the love in their life was prove of God to me. I just knew it was God. If God was this love, I wanted it too. I wanted to be part of His family. Then one time my sunday school teacher told us there was heaven and hell, and nobody else's faith could save me, but I had to choose where I wanted to be, on which side myself. and that Jesus is the way. So I thought about it. And sometime after when I was cycling in Orimattila by myself on a sunny autumn day I decided that I wanted to be with God. On His team.

I truly believe Maria and her family was Godsent to my life. They only lived in Orimattila about 4 years, moving away in christmas 1994. I know that God cares about me so much that he easily could've sent them just so that I'd get t know God's love for me..to be saved saved saved. They were such a blessing to my life, that family. The love in their lives was what spoke to me. Especially Maria's mum. She was and is such a scent of Christ. The warmth, the caring heart and the love in her. She truly was a living love letter from God to me. And her example still inspires me to be the same, a godly caring loving woman. (Many other women inspire me too.. E.G. Anita has the same softness, gentleness, loving and caring..She inspires me as well)

Anne, Maria's mum, if you ever read this.. Know that from the bottom of my heart, I am thankful. I know nothing better than to be saved, to be a christian, to be with Christ. The best thing I know is to be a christian. THE BEST THING.